Wednesday, August 27, 2014

One Month Old

I can't believe it's already been 1 month! Logan has already grown so much and changes every day. Here are some things about our Logan:

Current weight: 9 lbs. 8.5 oz
Current length: 21.5 inches

Logan loves:
> to sleep
> to eat, I feel like he eats all day long
> listening to water run in the shower
> the swing
> to be held all the time, the baby carrier is his favorite
> skin to skin time with mom or dad
> riding in the car
> having his hands up by his face/putting his hands in his mouth
> being outside and looking around
> bath time and being put in a warm, warm towel afterwards
> to pee on us while we're changing his diaper

Logan isn't a fan of:
> being swaddled, he cries until he gets his feet and arms out
> having gas
> diaper changes, especially the cold wipes
> me talking when he is nursing, he likes all the attention on himself and nothing else

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