Thursday, August 13, 2015

Logan turns ONE!

I cannot believe that Logan is already one year old!!! Time has flown by so fast and he is constantly learning and teaching us something new. We have definitely had many challenges over this past year, but we try every day to be the best parents we can be for Logan!

Age: 12 months old 

Weight: 18 lbs. 12.5 oz (10th Percentile)
Length: 29 inches (10th Percentile)
Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): Logan is still in Size 3 diapers, but will be moving to Size 4 very soon! He is in 9 month clothing right now! 

Eyes: Still very blue, like his momma!

Hair: Light Brown/Sandy Blonde!

Sleep: Logan is such a great sleeper and sleeps through the night, most nights. Occasionally he'll wake up for a diaper change or a little milk, but that's usually only once a week.

Eating: Logan loves food! He's eating everything we eat and has been pretty good at trying new things! He does like to throw food off his tray when he doesn't want it, but we're working on that.

Teeth: Logan has 7 teeth and his bottom molars are coming in. 

Milestones: Walking, walking, and more walking! He can walk across the room without falling and is getting better every day!

Loves: eating, sucking his thumb, swimming, showers with daddy, sleeping on his stomach, all of his books/toys, crinkly things/things that make noise, going on walks outside with mommy, when daddy comes home from work.

Hates: being cold, diaper changes in the middle of the night, and getting buckled in his car seat.

Words/sounds: Says "dada" and "momma".

 Check out my Instagram (@kellyjalayneboyd) for pictures and videos of him.

Nicknames: Logey, Bogey, Mr. Logey, Mr. Bogey.

Funny/Cute Moments: Logan loves to help with different things around the house! He will pick up his leggos and put them in his basket and also find blocks under the couch and pull them out :)

 Since we don't have any family close by, we decided to have a family birthday party with just Steve and I. After Steve got home from work we get to go get dinner at a restaurant in town and came home to eat cupcakes! After munching on cupcakes Logan opened his presents! He loves all of his new toys!!

At the restaurant

Opening his presents
Logan got a bag full of blocks, an elephant sorter (you put different shapes on the elephant and it comes out the tusk), some books, and clothes. Grandma and Grandpa Stanley got Logan a giraffe tricycle, he loves it!! I don't see a picture of it on my camera, but I know I have one of him on it...I will have to include it on a future post.

He was pretty tired by the time he got his cupcake

But he LOVED the frosting and make a pretty big mess

 YUM! Happy Birthday Logan!!

Grandpa and Grandma Boyd came a couple of weeks later to drop off his presents and it was like it was his birthday all over again! He loved all the attention and opening new things! He got a big inflatable kiddie pool, 2 wobble toys, sandals, a wood train,  and I think I'm forgetting something else but can't remember!

 Logan LOVES his pool!!!

And that wraps up Logan's 1st Birthday! Even though Logan won't remember his 1st year of his life, Steve and I will. I can tell you it has probably been the craziest year of my life, but the best year of my life as well. Logan has brought so much joy into our lives and I really can't remember much of life without him. He really completes our little family right now.

Logan has been a perfect 1st child.....(now that I say that all of our future children are going to be complete opposite of him). The newborn phase was a little rough, but things got better and we are pretty much living on cloud 9 right now. Lets walk through the past year, shall we....It all started out bringing home a newborn from the hospital and then started the lack of sleep (adjusting from uninterrupted sleep to being woken up multiple times a night), breastfeeding (that was a whole new HARD adjustment as well), whole schedules being thrown off, hundreds of diapers being changed, house always messy, throw in giggles/smiles, then more sleeping/nap after nap after nap, doctors visits, ER visits, cranky teething baby, exciting milestones (rolling over, first baby food, crawling, walking), first words, etc. . This past year has been CRAZY, but exciting as well!! It has been the fastest year of my life and I just want time to slow down!!

I thank God every day for the miracle little boy we have been given. Steve and I knew when we wanted to start trying for our first baby and the timing for everything worked out perfectly. We got pregnant right away (miracle #1) after stopping the pill and my pregnancy was perfect as well. {some women aren't as fortunate as we were and I love and pray for them too, I hope everyday that they will get their miracle baby} I didn't have any complications (miracle #2), I was healthy, Logan was healthy, and the end result was a perfect boy (miracle #3). My delivery was perfect as well (miracle #4), and some aren't as fortunate as I was going through that. I really don't have anything horrible to say about my first pregnancy, it went as well as it could have gone (I mean I wish labor could go without the contractions, but then it wouldn't be called "labor" right?)

The things about Logan that I hope to remember forever at this stage in his life:
      - smiles flashed at me
      - calling out "momma" from across the room when he needs something
      - kisses (this is one of the things that throws me off guard because they are so random, but they melt my heart)
     - when he is standing up and reaches up for me to pick him up
     - snuggles (these moments are rare nowadays, but I savor the moments when it happens)
     - running to me after I come home from grocery shopping/work/ (LOVE THIS)

Logan's personality is really blooming right now and he is becoming such an independent toddler. He doesn't really like to be "helped" doing things. He'd rather just walk on his own than you holding his hand "leading" him.  He is becoming such a "talker" lately and will say the most random things. He has his noises for when he wants something and when he doesn't want something. He gets excited about the cutest things (animals, lights, babies, things that make noise, etc.).

I am so grateful that my family is for all eternity and I get to spend MANY more years with Logan and Steve. Logan will forever be my baby and I hope I remember these moments for the rest of my life. As for Baby are going to have to wait a little bit for that announcement. We are not pregnant yet, nor are we trying. We both still need a little more time and I'm perfectly fine with Logan being an only child for a little while longer. Steve and I are still trying to get on our feet after our first baby and I can't imagine throwing another one in the mix just yet.


  1. What a sweet boy. Do his shoes match his shirt?! So cute! Love the pics and the updates! Can't wait play and play and play with him soon!

    1. His shoes are pretty close to matching his shirt....I got both at Old Navy, now that I think of it :) Can't wait to see you guys in 3 weeks!
