Age: 7 months old (as of the 27th of February)
Weight: 15 lbs 6 oz - 5th Percentile
Length: 27 1/2 inches - 57th Percentile
Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): Logan is still in Size 3 diapers. He is in 3-6 month and 6 month clothes right now!
Hair: Light Brown! His hair is getting so long.
Sleep: Logan usually only wakes up once a night now. It is so nice to actually get more sleep! He goes to bed around 7:30 pm, wakes up between 1-3 am for a feeding, and then wakes up between 8-10 am each morning for the day.
Eating: Logan is eating like a champ now! He drinks between 25-30 oz of formula a day, eats solid food for breakfast and dinner, and has a snack around lunch time. He loves all fruits, only likes a few veggies (sweet potatoes and carrots are his favorite), and usually has cheerios and cut up fruit for snack time.
Teeth: I just noticed last night that Logan is cutting one of his bottom teeth. Took long enough! I have been thinking he has been teething for the past couple of months and nothing has come through until just last night. I never would have guessed a tooth was coming through because he has been happy. I noticed it as I was getting him ready for dinner.
Milestones: Logan is able to sit up for a long time when I put him in a sitting position. I think he loves being able to see everything from a different view. He can't sit himself up on his own, but if I put him on his bottom he'll stay there. Logan is still rolling over everywhere and is getting really close to crawling. I just noticed him on his hands and knees the yesterday, but he just rocks back and forth and hasn't figured out how to move himself forward while he's up on his hands and knees.
Loves: sucking his thumb, bath time/showers with daddy, being tickled under his chin/around his neck, sleeping on his stomach, his Wheels on the Bus book and when we sing it to him, his exersaucer and playing in it, his Sophie, chewing on anything and everything, and crinkly things/things that make noise.
Hates: being cold, diaper changes in the middle of the night, waiting for his bottle to be ready, and getting buckled in his car seat.
Words/sounds: He also loves babbling and I think he's really close to saying his first real words instead of just sounds. Recently all he has been saying is "Ba". Check out my Instagram (@kellyjalayneboyd) for pictures and videos of him.
Nicknames: Still Logey and Bogey.
Funny Moments: Steve put Logan in his pj's and set him on top of a shirt he was wearing earlier that day and a few minutes later his arm was put through his shirt arm hole. It looked so funny!
Logey, what a cute boy. I see that he curls his toes under like Ella does....and she's 3. Haha. Crawling is fun. That's when they really start changing.