Tuesday, January 27, 2015

6 Months Old

He's been doing this funny lip tuck thing....I think it's the cutest thing

Loves his toes

There is that thumb that he can't stop sucking!

Age: 6 months old

Weight: 14 lbs 10 oz - 5th Percentile

Length: 26 1/2 inches long - 43rd Percentile

Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): Logan is now in Size 3 diapers. He definitely didn't meet the weight limit for Size 2 diapers, but he is so long that he kept on blowing out of them. We knew it was time to move up! Logan is in 3 month and 3-6 month clothes right now! He's so tiny for 6 months!

Eyes: Still very blue, like his momma!

Hair: Brown! It seems like it is getting so long!

Sleeping: Logan usually wakes up at least 3 times a night, which is exhausting at times. Once we get his weight back up we will start sleep training, but for now he needs those extra feedings at night to gain some weight.

Eating: Since Logan has been sick for the past 4 weeks, he hasn't been eating very well. We are really hoping now that he is almost over his sickness that he starts eating better. He really needs to start gaining weight to move up in a higher percentile than he is right now. His pediatrician doesn't want him drinking out of a bottle or being fed solids right now, so I am exclusively breast feeding him.

Milestones: Logan can now sit up by himself for at least a minute-a couple of minutes....until he topples over. He is getting better and better every day! He now rolls over front to back and back to front ALL the time. I set him down and he is in another part of the room a couple of minutes later.

Loves: sucking his thumb, bath time/showers with daddy, being tickled under his chin/around his neck, sleeping on his stomach (he started rolling over while being swaddled so we had to break him out of it).

Hates: being cold, diaper changes in the middle of the night, not being able to reach a toy.

Words/sounds: This boy is getting very good at seeing how loud his voice will go. He's always screaming/making loud noises at his toys or other people. He loves talking to himself too.

Nicknames: Steve calls Logan, Bogey (like the golf term). I usually call him Logey or Logan. 

Funny Moments: As I was changing Logan's diaper, I left the room to go and grab something after I wiped him....he managed to roll over and all I saw when I came back in the room was his nakie bum :) This boy definitely has his daddy's small bum. I love it!

1 comment :

  1. Cute boy! Love all the pics of him. His hair is getting long! Hopefully he'll get feeling better and gain some weight! I wish people were concerned about me not gaining enough weight...lol.
