Tuesday, October 28, 2014

3 Months Old

He's got these little flipped curls going on, on the side of his head, and I'm wondering if he's going to have curly/wavy hair like his momma....I used to think they would do that because he wasn't bathed every day, but they flip out even after a bath and after I've combed his hair. 

Logan is 3 months old, as of yesterday. Another month has gone by. Why is time moving soo quickly!?!

Facts about our Logan this month:
Weight: 13 lbs - I've noticed he's slowed down on his weight....hope he starts gaining a little more weight
Length: 25 inches

Logan is such a good sleeper and only wakes up when I get him up at 3:00/4:00 am to eat. I did let him sleep through the night a few times, but my milk supply was just horrible the next day so I wake him up after he hasn't eaten for 6 or 7 hours. After he eats he falls right back to sleep and sleeps in until 9 am usually. He takes 2-3 naps during the day and is such a good baby. He has his days, but don't all babies.

Facts about Logan this month:
> cooing/making noises more and more
> giggling every so often. it is the cutest thing!
> getting really good at tummy time and can move part of his body forward if he pushes his legs hard enough
> getting pretty coordinated with his hands and can grab the toys on his play mat
> when he is content....if you smile at him, he will smile back at you

Logan loves:
> sleeping in momma's arms
> his play mat
> diaper changing time because he gets to be free and move everywhere
> smiling
> road trips/being in the car
> his fuzzy, soft blanket
> being outside. if he's crying and we can't get him to stop we'll take him on a walk and he'll calm down


  1. He looks so attentive in those pictures!

    1. He just got out of the bath and being in the cold air after a nice warm bath probably did it, hence the red eyes.
