Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week 38 Update

Well this will probably be my last pregnancy post before having this baby....unless I make it past 40 weeks without having him. I feel like I've posted every week, but this pregnancy just seemed to fly by and we are so close to meeting our son.

HOW FAR ALONG? 38 Weeks + 1 day

COUNTDOWN: 13 days or 1 week 6 days!

DUE DATE: July 28th


MATERNITY CLOTHES: yes and I just want to be out of them already

STRETCH MARKS: sadly, yes

SLEEP: ok.....except for the getting up once or twice a night to pee and switching sides. i am able to sleep in almost every morning and take a nap when I need it

BEST MOMENTS: putting the finishing touches on his nursery and talking with Steve about how our life is going to change in just a few short weeks with this new baby

MOVEMENT: yes, yes....all the time! 

FOOD CRAVINGS: peanut butter on oreos and fruity desserts/shakes 

SYMPTOMS: swollen ankles/feet, itchy stomach, frequent urination, always hot

LABOR SIGNS: as of today, i am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced, pretty sure I lost my mucus plug (TMI?), braxton hicks contractions within the past few days (nothing consistent)....and a few other things but TMI to share. baby boy has moved down since my last appointment and doctor said bag of water is bulging a little bit so if he decides to make a drastic move down again my water could break. 

BELLY BUTTON IN OR OUT: flat....Steve loves making fun of it

still on and hoping it stays that way...I try my best to stay out of the heat and that seems to be helping

touring the hospital tonight with our birthing class. my mom and little sister starting the drive out to us this weekend. finishing the nursery. not being pregnant anymore and meeting our son.  

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