This kid is getting harder and harder to take still pictures of! He is just all over the place! I went through 4 different toys just to keep his attention.
Age: 10 months old
Weight: 17 lbs. 4 oz (7th Percentile)
Length: 28 1/2 inches (34th Percentile)
Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): Logan is still in Size 3 diapers. He is in 6 month and 6-9 month clothes right now!
Hair: Light Brown! His hair is getting so long, it's hard to manage. Some days I don't know what to do with it. We have to give him a bath every day because he looks like an orphan if we don't :)
Sleep: Logan is such a great sleeper and usually only wakes up once a night....sometimes he sleeps all the way through the night, which is amazing! He usually takes 2 naps every day, sometimes 3.
Eating: Logan loves food! He now will grab food off of our plates if we're sitting right next to him...we now have to be careful lol!
Caught this cute video of Logan sneaking food from Daddy while he was home for lunch one day!
Milestones: As if crawling wasn't crazy enough, Logan is pulling himself up onto everything. He will occasionally get fussy when he is stuck and can't get down. He has pulled his hands off of things and stood there for a few seconds, but nothing too long for me to freak out about lol :)
Loves: sucking his thumb, showers with daddy, sleeping on his stomach, all of his books, crinkly things/things that make noise, going on walks outside with mommy, when daddy comes home from work.
Hates: being cold, diaper changes in the middle of the night, waiting for his bottle to be ready, and getting buckled in his car seat.
Words/sounds: Says "dada" and "momma". We were at church last week and when Steve left Sunday school to go to Priesthood, Logan looked at Steve with a sad/concerned expression and said "da-da". It was the CUTEST thing!!
Check out my Instagram (@kellyjalayneboyd) for pictures and videos of him.
Nicknames: Still Logey and Bogey.
Funny/Cute Moments: Logan LOVES his daddy. He used to be such a momma's boy, but now loves when Steve comes home for lunch or gets home from work. He gets the biggest smile on his face and immediately reaches out for daddy.
Kelly!!! Logan is the cutest! Ryan and I LOVED that video, seriously, he's such a big boy. And all that hair he's getting!! He's changed since 3 weeks ago when we just saw him