Age: 5 months, 9 days
Weight: 15 lbs 1 oz (with clothes)
Length: 25 3/4 inches
Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): Logan is still in Size 2 diapers, and probably will be for a little while longer. Logan is wearing 0-3 month onesies (almost ready to grow out of some of them), 3-6 month pajamas as of yesterday (!!!), and 6 month pants for the most part (this boy is long)!
Eyes: Still very blue, like his momma!
Hair: Brown, and getting darker by the day. Logan is still sporting the "rat tail" on the back of his head and it probably will be there for a little while longer. I was looking at some pictures from last month and he definitely has more hair.
Sleeping: Logan still hasn't been sleeping the greatest at night....(insert sigh). He is taking better naps during the day though and his longest one lasted 2 1/2 hours (!!). We just got back from Washington yesterday and I'm sure traveling and not being in his own bed has a big part in it, and he's been sick :(
Eating: Logan is exclusively breastfed and has solids every now and then. I haven't supplemented with formula at all and I'm super proud of myself. The few weeks after Logan was born breastfeeding was super hard and painful and I thought about giving up a few times, but I kept with it and I'm super grateful for it. Most of my motivation came from having a sister-in-law who had a baby 3 days later than me who was also going through breastfeeding for the first time.
Logan is eating every 1 1/2 - 3 hours but only eats for like 5-15 minutes at a time. I think it's because he can drink more now and just gets done really quick. He can be picky though and sometimes only nurses off of one side and is done. I'm sure being sick has a big part in it too and maybe this is just because he can't breathe as easily.
Milestones: Logan can roll over from belly to back and back to belly pretty easily now. It's crazy how much he can do now. I leave the room to go to the bathroom or grab something from the kitchen and I come back and he's either 180 degrees from what I left him at or he's rolled over.
Logan will now sleep on his back during the day. For the first few months he would hate sleeping in his crib on his back, but I tried swaddling him and he sleeps just fine. I don't know why I didn't think of that before, especially since he's swaddled at night.
Logan can grab toys pretty well and when one is placed in front of him he will grab it from you.
Loves: sucking his thumb (I love that he can soothe himself), meeting new people and smiling at them, bath time/showers with daddy, any and every toy (especially his Sophie giraffe, pictured above), his feet (especially sucking on his toes), being swaddled with his left arm out (so he can have access to his thumb).
Hates: being left in a room alone, getting blood drawn (more about his ER visit in another post), long car rides, being overtired, being sick.
Words/sounds: This boy loves talking to himself and others (more like making noises).
Nicknames: Steve calls Logan, Bogey (like the golf term). I usually call him Logey or Logan.
Funny Moments: Just today Logan was on his play mat and there is a bar in the middle of it with toys hanging over his head....he managed to roll over on his tummy and both of his legs were straddled around the bar. I wasn't quick enough to get a picture, but it just cracks me up in the positions he gets himself into.
He is getting big! So adorable!