Age: 4 months
Weight: He is 13 lbs. 10 oz. (15th percentile)
Length: He is 25 3/4 inches long (75th percentile)
Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): Logan is in Size 2 diapers, as of a couple of weeks ago! We still have so many diapers from my baby showers and friends and I have only had to buy some when we were in Wisconsin and when he was a newborn. Logan is still in 0-3 month and 3 month clothes and still has a while until he will be grown out of them; I'm ok with that :)
Eyes: Logan definitely has his mom's eyes :) Blue!
Hair: Brown! It's darker in some places and lighter in others. He definitely has the "old man" look some times. The back of Logan's head has seen better days. He has this perfect circle of no hair and then has some really dark hair below, it that looks like a rat tail :) The joys of laying on the back of your head almost 24/7.
Eating: Logan eats every 2 1/2 - 3 hours during the day. He is still nursing, but isn't gaining a lot of weight so we really have to make sure he eats often.
Milestones: Logan rolled over for the first time the other day!!!!! I was getting a little worried because a few of my friends who had babies around the same time as me had their babies roll over a couple of weeks ago. I was wondering when Logan was going to finally roll over and he did the other day when Steve was home. It was from his belly to his back and he did it like 5 times in a row. I'm so proud of him!
Loves: Sucking on his fist, standing up on my lap, his piano play mat, grabbing toys and sucking on them, bath time, touching his feet, looking at himself in the mirror, being naked, falling asleep in mom's arms during the day,
Hates: Sleeping on his back during the day, getting put in his car seat (once we are driving he is usually fine), his toys falling away from him out of his reach, getting his nails filed, being tired (he gets really fussy and frustrated when he can't just fall asleep).
Words/sounds: Always, always making noises! Especially when he's grabbing his toys dangling above him.
Nicknames: Logy (not like firewood logs, but like his name Logan without the -an), Logy Log, Buddy, Baby, Blogy, Chubba Wubba, Bubba. Writing these down they all look/sound very funny.
Funny Moments: Occasionally while I'm changing Logan's diaper he will bring up his legs to hold them and he'll end up shooting pee right up on his face. It is the funniest thing! His reaction is the best too because I don't think he realizes it is himself that is causing his face to get all wet. I think it is just his excuse to get a bath ;) he loves baths!
Another funny thing Logan will do is during bath time once we pour warm water on his belly/front he will pee. Every time!! You have to be prepared for it otherwise you'll get sprayed with his fountain :) Boys are so much fun!!
I stole this idea from a blogger I follow and thought it would be fun to keep track of all these different things about Logan. Look forward to seeing this every month until he is one :)
Kelly! He is DARLING!!! Can't wait to meet him!