Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 28 Update

I am finally in the 3rd Trimester and am hoping things continue to go by as quickly as they have been (only 12 more weeks)!!!!!!! Work has definitely been keeping me busy and I'm grateful for my job at the school.

28 Weeks 

Week 28

How far along? 28 weeks 

Countdown: 12 weeks or 84 days!

Total weight gain: 13 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Just the usual.....maternity pants, maxi skirts, and stretchy shirts.

Stretch marks: None on my belly :) Have been using cocoa butter lotion routinely throughout the whole pregnancy and it's helping :) 

Sleep: Good :) still switching sides a lot during the night. Have been more and more tired lately so I try to sneak in a nap when I get home from work or take advantage of my weekends and sleep a couple of hours.

Best moment this week last week: I PASSED MY GLUCOSE TEST!!!!! I was really worried about this, if you couldn't tell...haha

Miss anything? Nothing really

Movement: He's moving so much more now! Steve feels him at least a couple of times throughout the day and it's so fun to see him get excited over his kicks. He kicked me so hard the other day while I was sitting on the couch and I jumped.....I was not expecting it......his muscles are growing fast I can tell you. I will occasionally put my hand on a certain part of my stomach where he usually is and he kicks back :) I LOVE IT!!

Food cravings: Italian food :) yum!!

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope. 

Gender: Baby boy!!

Symptoms: Braxton hicks contractions (getting more and more painful). Pelvic pain and heartburn occasionally. 

Belly button in or out: Still IN :) 

Happy or moody: Depends on the day.....this student at work has been stressing me out a lot so it's making me a little more irritable. 

Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery and spending as much alone time as I can with Steve before our our little "L" is here in 12 weeks!!!

1 comment :

  1. Yay!! Glad you passed your glucose test, I knew you were worried. I love feeling the kicks and being able to see the baby move from the outside!!! So glad everything is going well and you look great!! Your bump is so round and cute!! Can't wait to meet baby!
