Sunday, April 27, 2014

Baby Showers

I don't know how I got this lucky, but I had 3 baby showers thrown for me for our little guy! Our little guy is so spoiled already and after having all of them I cannot wait for him to get here!!

My 1st baby shower was in Rexburg, ID (where I went to college) and one of my best friends, Kayla Greenwood, threw it for me! She put so much work into it and it was great to see some of my college friends for a weekend.

Kayla and I. I wish we lived closer to them in Rexburg! I was 21 weeks 5 days at this baby shower. 

Cute little cupcakes!

Ignore me in this picture but I just wanted to show a picture of the good food! 

Some of the girls at the baby shower!

My 2nd baby shower (open house) was in Ontario, OR (where we are currently living). A lady at my church said she wanted to throw me a baby shower before I started working. I wasn't expecting to have another baby shower until Seattle so I was very caught off guard and it was very nice of her to do such a thing.  A few ladies from my ward were able to be there and show up and it was nice to feel so loved from my ward. I didn't get any pictures from this baby shower and I'm regretting it. It was great though and I had a lot of fun. 
This was taken after my baby shower in Ontario at 22 1/2 weeks.

My 3rd baby shower was in Seattle, WA a couple of weekends ago. My mother-in-law Brenda threw my sister-in-law, Cerissa, and I a double baby shower since we are both due on the same day! Steve and I visited Craig and Cerissa in Hawaii in February and they finally got 2 weeks leave from the Marines to come visit Washington. It worked out to have the baby shower on the 12th rather than Easter weekend so Steve and I made the 7 hour drive to Seattle for the weekend! It was so nice to see family since we haven't really seen any of them since beginning of January. I really wished we lived in Seattle, but Steve has a good job in Oregon Idaho (we live in OR but he works in Idaho) so I can't complain. 

The baby shower was perfect and there were so many ladies that showed up (my sister Holly/sister-in-law Traci, Steve's sisters/mom, ladies from Steve's family ward, family friends, etc.). We had a light lunch and then Cerissa and I opened presents. I can now say I probably don't need any more clothes for our little guy as he has enough to last him through the 9 months mark. We got so many nice presents and I can't wait for him to get here in 3 months so I can use everything! 
Yes I'm wearing my blue-striped dress again (it is the most comfortable dress I have ever owned haha) 

My sister-in-law Cerissa and I both at 24 weeks 5 days at our baby shower. It is so weird how differently we are carrying our babies even though we are due the same day. She is carrying hers much lower than I am and has a little bigger bump than I have (we think her baby is gonna be a lot bigger compared to ours). It was a lot of fun to have a baby shower together since we have the same due date and we found out the gender on the same day as well. 

I am beyond thankful for those that have come to one of my baby showers, who have given me a thoughtful gift, sent a card, or has supported Steve and I through this exciting time! I am so excited for these next few months to go by so we can meet our baby boy! 

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