Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Steve's Job Offer

As many of you know, my husband Steve has been interning with a small company in Fruitland, ID since the beginning of January. To officially finish his degree in Business Marketing he had to do 2 internships and this last internship fulfilled his degree requirements and he completed all his coursework as of April 11th, 2014 (we should be receiving his diploma in the next 4-6 weeks).

Starting this internship we knew there was a possibility of getting hired on with the company after the internship ended, but we still wanted to look around at other companies for their open jobs. Job searching was harder than we thought and simply just searching "Marketing Jobs in......" wasn't going to do it. You really have to do an in-depth search and know where to look. For example: If you were to look for a Medical Assisting position you would search in hospitals, clinics, etc. For Marketing positions they can be anywhere!!! They could be in a hospital, clothing company, hardware store, and so many more places.

We were really getting nervous once his internship came to a close because nothing else was coming up. Our back-up, if we got no offer, was to move back to Washington and Steve would work for his dad roofing. A few weeks ago he met with the 2 owners and they talked to him about a potential offer just to see where his head was and his expectations. After that talk we knew something was coming and we just patiently waited to hear the official offer and if it was down our alley of thinking.

Steve got an official job offer about a week ago and they gave us 1 week to make a decision and get back to them. Today (Wednesday), Steve gave his supervisors the official YES to the job offer and we feel so good about our decision. Even though I'm not too fond of the area (far from family, 1 hour from Boise, small town), I'm glad we have a good solid job that we can rely on and if we didn't love the company so much we probably wouldn't be staying. 4/6 of the employees are members of the church which is great and it helps us to fit in with the company that much more. Some other pros about Steve working there (casual dress every day and work til 3:00 on Fridays).

Steve's company sells egg incubators and other accessories online (here). The office/warehouse sits right on the edge of the city. Steve's company has 1 cow, 3 calves, and a bunch of baby chicks/chickens, ducks, and turkeys. They basically have all of these animals for eggs and meat down the road. Steve's position is still Marketing, but is intermingled with a few other things. Customer Service, Shipping and Kitting, and Product Development.

As for our future plans with the's hard to tell how long exactly we will be with the company but our plan at the time is a couple of years until he qualifies for something that requires more experience. A lot of the companies that he would love to work for or his dream company he would love to work for (, online ski companies, outdoor companies), required you to have 2-3 minimal years of experience in the field so we may just have to be patient and see how things go.

Overall, I am very excited for the road ahead of us and this opportunity we have for our family.


  1. Congrats Steve and Kelly for graduating and finding a job! It does take a lot of work to find a good job but sounds like you have. I'm sure the area will grow on you and his hours and people he works with sounds wonderful!! Enjoy the ride! :)
