Monday, April 21, 2014

Week 26 Update

Well I am almost into the 3rd Trimester and can definitely tell you my appetite has skyrocketed and I am finally starting to gain weight faster than I was before. I love being pregnant for the most part and am still feeling great!
26 Weeks
This picture may not be very accurate because I ate a big lunch right before taking this. 

Week 26

How far along? 26 weeks

Total weight gain: 10 lbs. :( 

Maternity clothes: For the most part I am still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes besides my skinny jeans. I haven't bought a ton of new clothes because I will most likely be able to get away with wearing my old clothes. I have been wearing a lot of skirts and dresses though because they are more comfortable. 

Stretch Marks: None on my stomach still (thank goodness)

Sleep: I usually sleep pretty great at night, but just switch from side to side a lot. I have had A LOT of crazy pregnancy dreams (especially about going into labor) 

Best moment this week: Steve getting his 1st job offer and feeling my baby boy kick more and more

Miss anything: Being smaller, fitting into my small, non-stretchy pre-pregnancy clothes

Movement: Moving so much more now, but still waiting to be able to see him move on the outside of my belly. I woke up a week or two ago to him hiccuping while I was sleeping. So fun to feel! 

Food cravings: Carbs, carbs, and more carbs

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender: BOY

Symptoms: A few Braxton Hicks contractions (not super bad though), pelvic pain, some lower back pain (not as bad as it used to be), swollen feet/hands occasionally after long walks 

Belly button in or out: IN!! Getting closer and closer to the surface, but still has a while til it could pop out. Maybe I'll be lucky and it'll stay in there

Looking forward to: Camping once it gets warmer!

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