Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 23 Update

Well I am 23 weeks today! It is weird seeing my belly grow more and more and what is also weird is having people now stare at my belly when they talk to me (not used to that yet) or people wanting to touch my belly.

Everyone who knows I'm pregnant asks me how pregnancy is going and how it has been and I can say 100% this has been the easiest pregnancy (not that I have been pregnant before, but it has been sooo easy for me). Yes, I have had a few hiccups here and there, but the pros outweigh the cons and I love being this little guys mother so far.

Ways this pregnancy has been easy: 
      - No morning sickness (sorry to brag)....only a few episodes in the 1st trimester (enough to count on 1 hand). 
      - Have only gained 3.5 lbs. so far (sorry to brag again)....this may be the greatest blessing so far because I've always been self-conscious of my weight and I was afraid I would gain a lot during pregnancy and so far so good (no I am not starving myself). I know it'll all be coming soon but I'm glad I'm not gaining weight in other places besides my belly.
      - No complications with the baby at all so far (crossing my fingers it stays that way)! Doctors/nurses are usually kind of thrown off in my appts. when I tell them everything has been perfect and I have no questions. My last appt. my doctor asked me at least 10 times if I had questions about anything or if anything has been weird or something bothering me with being pregnant and I said no every time.....maybe he thought I was hiding something, but no!

I'm sure there are a ton of other ways in which this pregnancy has been easy, but these are the big 3 that stick out to me.

Took this the other day after my 2nd baby shower here in Ontario 

Week 23

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: 3 1/2 lbs. 
Maternity clothes: Yes! Finally bought some maternity jeans which are the most comfortable piece of clothing I've ever owned and I also bought some maxi dresses/skirts with some birthday money. 
Stretch marks? None on my stomach.
Sleep: My daily 2-3 hour naps are about to go out the window because I started my new job today
Best moment this week: Starting my new job and feeling stronger kicks inside (haven't felt anything outside of my belly yet). 
Miss Anything? Being able to button my old jeans and being able to bend over and tie my shoes comfortably.
Movement: Kicks are getting stronger everyday (I can now feel him everyday instead of just occasionally).
Food cravings: Sweet cravings are lessened because I'm nervous of getting gestational diabetes (which I DON'T want). 
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Baby Boy!
Symptoms: Lower back pain (hate this)
Belly button in or out? In 
Looking forward to? Going to Seattle next weekend and having a double baby shower with my sister-in-law!!!

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