Wednesday, March 26, 2014

22nd Birthday

My 22nd Birthday was on the 18th of this month and wasn't anything super fancy since we're poor and currently saving all of our pennies for our sweet little boy....but Steve still managed to make it special for me. Steve started out the day by making my favorite breakfast (egg sandwich with cheese) and then headed to work for the day. I stayed home all day while Steve was at work because I quit my other job at the recovery center (the day before my birthday) and I don't start at the school til the 31st. It was nice to sleep in and catch up on all of my shows. I was surprised during the day with a knock on our front door and a lady from our ward holding birthday balloons for me. It was such a sweet surprise and it definitely made my day (we have 2 of my brother-in-laws aunts in my ward and they were from one of them, so sweet).

After Steve got off of work he took me to dinner in Nampa and we ate at Red Robin and went clothes shopping afterwards. My clothes in my closet are becoming a little outdated and since I'm growing out of most of them I thought it would be a good birthday present to myself. My mom also gave me a check for maternity clothes so it was perfect timing to get a few more outfits. I bought my first pair of maternity jeans from Target (probably spent more than I needed to on those, but they were love at first fitting). I also bought a few dresses/skirts since that is what is most comfortable to me at the moment (besides sweatpants) and I can still wear them after our little guy is here.

I asked Steve for a few things for my birthday including a pregnancy book, new clothes, and a computer battery (my computer is going down the tubes and my battery dies so fast....usually this is a necessity to buy when you need it but I wanted it so bad and didn't want to have to look around for one online so I just asked Steve to get it for me for my birthday) and he got them all. Steve is really bad at keeping surprises from me and I knew he had ordered the book and battery before my birthday (routinely checking the bank account everyday and I accidentally walked in on him on the computer ordering the battery). Even though it was only a few things it was all I wanted and all we can really afford right now.

Thank you Steven and all of my friends and family for making my 22nd Birthday special!

Here is a little video my niece, Ella made me for my birthday! I love it!!! 

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