Friday, March 14, 2014

Week 20 Update: Half Way There

I am finally 20 weeks pregnant (as of this past Monday), which means I am officially 1/2 way there!!! I feel that this pregnancy has gone by really quick as I feel as if I just told people we were expecting! We had our 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday and it was so fun to see our little guy again! We do have a name for him but you are just going to have to wait til he is born to find out what it is :)

Here's our little guy with his hands up to his face

This one is a little creepy with his eyes haha but he's all cuddled up sideways :) 

I got sick of taking weekly "selfies" so I finally asked Steve to take some pictures :) 

20 Week Update

How far along? 20 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 1.5 lbs. from pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity Clothes? Not yet, a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes are loose fitting so it's perfect.
Stretch marks? Nothing yet. I'm using cocoa butter more and more to hopefully lessen them
Sleep: About to get a little less as I will be working 30 hours a week at my new job at the school
Best moment this week: Seeing our little guy at our 20 week ultrasound and finding out he is healthy as ever and no problems
Miss Anything? Being able to sleep on my stomach in my sleep
Movement: Kicks/movement felt here and there, definitely getting stronger. 
Food cravings: Nothing consistent but still anything sweet
Anything make you queasy or sick: Still the sound of fast food/deep fried stuff. I am no longer sensitive to smells which is good :) I can actually clean our fridge and take our the trash without gagging
Gender: Baby BOY!!!
Symptoms: Lower back pain, peeing more frequently
Belly button in or out? In and I don't think it's ever coming out haha 
Looking forward to? My 22nd birthday next Tuesday and my baby shower in Rexburg next Saturday


  1. You're so cute Kelly!! So happy for you 3 and how you're doing well. This is such a fun time and such a blessing that he's healthy. I totally thought the same thing about my belly button but that last month can do some crazy things to your body! haha I hope the cocoa butter works for you, my mom swears by it and has no stretch marks after 3 kids but I got some. You never know! :) Oh and congrats on the new job!! :)
