Sunday, May 11, 2014

Tribute to my Mother

Mother's Day was always a special day in my family, just as it is for you and your family. It is the day in which we devote all of our love and attention to our special mother's. Growing up we would always make our mom a handmade card, give her a special present (homemade or bought), and aid my dad in making her breakfast in bed and dinner. It was always such a fun day for me to show my mom how much I loved her.

Growing up I didn't always get along with my mom, but what teenager does?? After moving away to college and now that I am beginning to start my own family, I have really pondered at what my mom did for me growing up. Looking back at my childhood I realized it wasn't that bad and I have a lot to be thankful for.

One of my favorite things about my mom that I remember was she was a GREAT cook, she still is to this day too. I hardly remember eating out which saved our big family a lot of money and was a blessing. I still have no idea how she would come up with all of these delicious meals and have great variety every day (there was hardly a meal I didn't like). I have such a hard time coming up with meals for our little family of 2 (maybe I just need to print off her cookbook to have endless ideas).

Another thing I loved about my mom is she would drop her busy schedule as being a stay at home mom to play a game with us or to chat 1-on-1 with us kids. This is something I loved about my family, we always played board games/card games on Sunday and I would beg every Sunday for someone to play with me. To this day I ask Steve every Sunday to play a card game with me because it reminds me so much of my childhood.

Another thing I love about my mom is she put so much time into our family and made sure we were happy. I don't think she has ever gone to bed earlier than 10 o' clock pm. She was always up super late on her computer (sometimes even 2-3 am) in the office paying bills or doing something else related to the family because she took time to spend the time she had with us during the day or when we came home from school and save everything else for when we went to bed. I always remember her coming to our sporting events or pushing us to do our best in anything we were a participant in (church, school, etc.). She was always a "busy body" and a "worry worm" and I definitely get both of those traits from her. Neither of those traits are bad things, but they definitely stand out to me about her. For those who know me personally or spend a lot of time with me, I worry about everything, all the time.

Best of all, my mom raised 6 kids and is still raising the 3 younger kids that are still at home (Landon 17, Jenna 15, Evan 14). I don't know how she does it. From taking us to school, doctors appts, seminary, church, to scheduling and paying for everything for us (clothes, food, braces, car insurance, etc), to paying bills, holding church callings, making us meals, taking care of us when we are sick, etc. She is a true HERO and the BEST MOM! She has always been a stay at home mom, until recently she has been working at the school in town, but even then she still continues to do her "motherly duties" with a smile on her face.

Mom I am sorry for all of the grief, sorrow, and stress I have put you through growing up. All in all you are the best Mom anyone could have asked for and I have you to look up to for the rest of my life. Because of you I have so many things I can teach my children one day and they can pass it on to their future children. You are going to be the best grandma to our little one coming in a little over 2 months and I am so grateful for that. I am looking forward to you coming out for me when I have the baby and spending special time with you. Thank you Mom for being my role model and there for me when I still call you at least 3 times a week.
I love you!
My family minus 3 younger siblings
L to R: Ryan, Mom, Me, Dad, Shawn, Holly, Shalyse, Jordan

December 2011
All of my siblings and I minus my sister Shalyse and her family and my sister in law Courtney and her boys
Our family has changed a little since this picture (more nieces/nephews)
L to R: Top row: Landon and Jordan
Middle Row: Traci (Shawn's wife - holding Andrew), Shawn, Holly, Jenna, Creed (Holly's husband - holding Ella), Ryan, Evan
Bottom Row: Dad, Mom, Myself, Steve, Paige (Ryan's wife)

My mom and I on my wedding day. 


  1. I'm speechless with tears streaming down my face Kelly! Beautiful tribute, thank you! Thank you for coming to trust your father and I, as well as your Heavenly Father, and our Savior, Jesus Christ. You're fulfilling every hope and dream we ever had for you, and those which we knew would bring you the greatest joy, including an exceptional husband whom we love as a son by your side.

  2. What a wonderful post, Laurie is supermom!
