Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 30 Update

10 weeks left!!!!!!! I can't believe it!! I have a feeling the rest of the time is going to go by really slow because I'm so anxious, but if I stay busy it will hopefully continue to go by quickly.

29 Weeks 1 day. So happy I still fit in my red jeans! 

30 Weeks

It's crazy how much my bump changes each week. It also depends a lot on what I'm wearing, but it sure is getting bigger each week!

Week 30 

How far along? 30 Weeks

Countdown: 10 weeks or 70 days

Total weight gain: 15 lbs. 

Maternity clothes: Pre-pregnancy clothes are getting tighter and tighter so my selection of what to wear is going down....I bought some maternity leggings at Ross the other day and am IN LOVE with them! Even more comfortable than my maternity jeans! 

Stretch Marks: Nothing new. Nothing on my stomach! 

Sleep: I sleep like a baby every night and love my Sunday naps! 

Best moment this week: Watching our little guy move around outside of my stomach during Sunday School. He was turning around or something because the movement was consistent for about 1/2 of class. My work also threw me a baby shower last week and I got a lot more things that I needed. The list of things to get for this little guy is really short and I'm so thankful! 

Miss anything? Being able to put on/take off my shoes comfortably.......and garden. This spring I was able to plant a bunch of flowers and it is very hard for me to sit there and pull those weeds that are coming in now.  

Movement: YES! Moving all the time. I feel him a couple of times an hour and when I sleep on my side I feel him kick so much! 

Food Cravings: Fruit! I lost most of my cravings for sweets and replaced them with fruit and it has been so nice! I have noticed I'm eating healthier now and fruit is so good. I especially love making fruit smoothies/shakes. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Ate TacoTime on Saturday and let me tell you I am not going to be eating there again until after pregnancy. 

Symptoms: Swollen fingers when I don't drink enough water or when we go on long walks. 

Belly button in or out: In!!

Looking forward to: Going to Rexburg for Memorial Day weekend and camping!! We haven't been camping in 1 1/2 years! 


  1. Yay!! I can't believe it's only 10 more weeks. Hopefully they go by fast!
