Friday, January 3, 2014

Well, I'm Pregnant.....

I'M PREGNANT!!!!! Steve and I thought we would start trying at the end of the summer so I got off the pill and waited patiently for my first period to come! Literally a couple of weeks later I took a pregnancy test because I was late on my period and surprise the test was positive!!!! We found out the day we left for the Thanksgiving Break (Nov. 22nd). I was ecstatic as you call tell by the pictures and Steve was as well! We went to Seattle for Thanksgiving and told Steve's Dad and Step-Mom and Steve's mom and step-dad! It was so fun to see how excited they were. I told my mom over the phone the day of because I was telling her all that week that I thought I was. I am so happy!!!! We are due JULY 28th 2014.

The morning I found out I was pregnant
We were so happy! I was screaming in my apt. at 3:30 in the morning!

(I took a test at 3:30 AM because they say first morning urine is the best and I had work at 4 AM)
Notice: Steve looks like he just woke up!

Week by Week Noticeable Symptoms and Changes:

Week 6 & 7: 
- Super tired all the time: I could sleep all day! 
- Gag over most strong smells (TMI) and Monday of the 7th week I literally didn't want to eat anything because nothing sounded appetizing. 
- Wake up every morning super hungry and nauseated until I finally eat something. 
- Haven't thrown up yet (no morning sickness). 
- I can definitely tell something is inside of me.....weird to think but I know something is different and that is one of the first signs I knew I was pregnant.

Week 8:
- Threw up for the 1st time (I was cleaning the fridge when we were moving out and the smells were too overpowering).

Week 9 & 10:
-VERY tired again! Sleeping all the time.
- No appetite again.
- No cravings: will eat anything that has sugar in it that is right in front of me

Our little peanut at our 9 week ultrasound!! So tiny! Baby is healthy and measuring around 9 weeks here!

9 1/2 weeks: I'm sure most of that is water/bloating weight! 

How far along? 10 weeks 4 days 
Total weight gain: -5 lbs, haven't gained a pound
Maternity clothes? Nothing yet
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: LOVE, love, love my sleep! I take at least one nap a day if i can
Best moment this week: Telling everyone we were expecting!!
Miss Anything?  Cookie dough
Movement: Too early, but I can tell a baby is in there!
Food cravings: None really, but I will now eat Chocolate (I hated all things chocolate before pregnancy)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just when I don't eat. No morning sickness!!!
Gender: Find out in 7-8 weeks! I'm praying it's a girl!!!
Symptoms: Rapid hair growth, tired all the time, smells are 10x stronger
Belly Button in or out? In
Looking forward to: My next appt. on Monday when I get another ultrasound

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