Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving in Seattle 2013

I know this post is really late, but better late than never right??

Steve and I made the long 13 hour drive to Seattle for Thanksgiving this year again! It is such a long drive, but it always ends up being so much fun. We arrived on Saturday night and went to this Potluck dinner at Steve's sister Staci's church. We got to meet our niece Violet for the 1st time.

Violet Marie Gomez was born on November 14th, 2013. We met her when she was 9 days old!

Sunday night Steve's parents took everyone to go and see Mannheim Steamroller. They are such a good band and many of you probably have heard their Christmas music on the radio.

The rest of the week I got to hang out with my niece Ella and sister Holly a few times and I got to go to the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade in Downtown Seattle with my sister the day after Thanksgiving.
Isn't my niece just the cutest?!?

And we went to snowflake lane with Steve's family in Bellevue

This was the opening night of Snowflake Lane and they had lots of bubbles to resemble snowflakes. It actually looked like it was snowing

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