Friday, November 8, 2013

My LAST Semester of My Undergrad

This is a little bit of a long post, but it's just a little bit of what we've been up to since I haven't updated this in 2 months!

This semester marks the last semester of my undergrad at BYU-Idaho! I cannot tell you how excited I am to be done and move on with my life outside of school! I am so excited to see what the future brings! This semester has been kind of crazy with my Internship, being Social Work Society Secretary, classes and a part-time job.

I am doing my Internship at Farnsworth Elementary School in Rigby, ID and I love it! I love interacting with the kids and getting to know them. I have been doing about 20-25 hrs/week and going every day so I can get ahead on my hours so I don't have to go every day towards the end of the semester. We need a total of 250 hours per semester and right now I have 192 hours :) NEXT week I start going MWF which will be nice so I can sleep and not use as much gas. I am doing this Internship with 3 others from the Social Work Program so we carpool and I have been having to drive every 2 weeks or so. It has been nice to have others so I am not guzzling all my gas and racking up my miles. I have learned so much so far and am looking forward to the day when I can use my skills in a real Social Work Job. A little bit of what my Internship has involved: structured recess, behavioral groups, teaching classes (Red Ribbon Week/Drug-Free, Second Steps - Violence Prevention Curriculum), one-on-one help with homework/spelling words, RTI (response to intervention), etc. I loved my last Internship in Texas a little more because the Crime/Child Abuse side of things interested me more, but I still love this Internship and the new opportunities it has given me.

I am taking 9 other credits to fulfill all of my requirements for Graduation. I am taking Abnormal Psychology, Research Methods, and Diverse Clients. All of those classes are going pretty well and the work load is manageable so it's not too bad.

I am working 15 hours a week on campus doing early-morning custodial. I wake up at about 3:30 am M-F and start work at 4 am and go til 7 am. I got this job about 3 weeks ago and it has been ok. The pay is good so it is worth it, but my lack of sleep has been catching up with me lately. I am in the Smith Building which is 4 floors and there are 13 of us split up (2 on each floor and others scattered doing bathrooms, stairs, entryways, etc.). We switch duties every week so their is variety and it's not as repetitive. A little bit of what I have been doing is cleaning teachers offices and cleaning classrooms. Steve also got the same job but in a different building. He has to work every Saturday so he gets 1 day out of the week off.

I am part of the Social Work Society for the 3rd Semester and this semester I am the Secretary. A little bit of what I do is send out emails about upcoming meetings, take notes from meetings, and update the website. It is pretty easy going and we only have meetings every other week so it is not very time consuming, but still fun to be apart of.

Well that is a little bit of what is going on in my life right now!! We are awaiting some offers for Internships for Steve for the Winter and he's looking for something in Business Marketing preferably paid starting in January. For those of you that read my blog we are still looking for one so if you know of anything available let us know! Looking ANYWHERE (preferably warm)!! He has 2 Interviews with companies set up so far (1 in Fruitland, ID and 1 in Boulder, CO). His 1st Interview was yesterday and we're waiting to see how it went. Our top pick is with John Deere where my brother works so pray something works out for us.

Other than school and work we have had a little bit of time to play and have fun....some things we have done this semester include:

  • Going to Utah for General Conference weekend to see my Dad and 2 brothers
  • Green Canyon Hot Springs
  • Haunted Forest
  • Yellowstone National Park 
Here are some pics: 

Left: Steve and I in Yellowstone! We had a lot of fun exploring things we've never done before in Yellowstone and this was probably the last time we'll visit Yellowstone for quite sometime because we're moving!!
Right: Steve and I with my Dad and 2 brothers (Landon and Evan) at Tucano's Brazilian Grill in SLC over conference weekend.
Middle: Steve and I with some friends at the Haunted Forest
Bottom Right: Steve and I on Halloween (I'm Katniss from Hunger Games and Steve is a Fisherman)

1 comment :

  1. Kelly, you are such a hard worker! You are busy but that's great that you'll be done! Ryan's looking for internships and jobs, we'll keep you in our prayers. We'd LOVE for you guys to move down here, it'd be so fun!
