Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 14: Baby Bump

I am finally in the 2nd Trimester as of last week and I can tell you I don't feel any different. This pregnancy has been a breeze so far and is going by VERY fast. I am only a few weeks away from finding out the gender of this little one!!!

14 weeks!!! Compared to my 12 week picture I look a lot different. I definitely was bloated or something because I actually look around 14 week pregnant (maybe a little bigger) in this shot. The weird thing is....everyone shows at different times and some show a little sooner than others. I know I'm not the skinniest of all people, but I can guarantee you this isn't all gained weight haha. There is definitely a baby in there. 

How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain: gained 1.5 lbs but still -3.5 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes? Not yet but I'm sure I'll need them soon. I can't button my jeans without it being unbearably uncomfortable. I am getting away with the rubber band technique. 
Stretch marks? Nothing yet
Sleep: LOVE, love, love my sleep still! 
Best moment this week: Reading all of my Pregnancy magazines/booklets I've gotten
Miss Anything?  Being able to ski in the Winter
Movement: Too early.
Food cravings: Anything sweet!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No morning sickness!!! Strong smells get to me every time
Gender: Find out in 4-6 weeks! I'm still praying it's a girl!!! Steve wants a boy, of course. 
Symptoms: Occasional lower back pain
Belly Button in or out? In
Looking forward to: Planning our babymoon to.....Hawaii for March or April!!!

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