Friday, January 31, 2014

14 Week Ultrasound: Our Baby is a Squirmy One

While I was at my 14 week OB appt. I was just expecting to get a Flu Shot and requested to hear our little baby's heartbeat because I haven't seen or heard anything since my last ultrasound at 9 weeks. Little did I know that I would be walking out of the office with 3 little pictures of our baby from my 30 min long ultrasound! I told Steve he could just stay at work during my appt. because I had to run some errands in the Boise area anyway and my appt. wasn't going to be anything special (little did I know I would be getting an ultrasound). I was so sad to hear that I couldn't video any part of the ultrasound or take any pictures for Steve who was 30 min away at work. Luckily I was able to bring home a few pictures of our little one.

At my last appt. at 11 weeks they asked me if I would like to get tested to see if the baby had any traces of Down Syndrome and something else. I said yes if my insurance covered it, but they then checked up on it and said I had to be a little more than 11 weeks. I forgot about this until about 30 minutes before my appt. on Wednesday and thought they would be asking me if I would like this done since I was 14 weeks. Of course they asked me if I would like to get tested that day (the day Steve wasn't there). Steve has come with me to my other two appts. but I thought he would just be sitting there while I got my Flu Shot done.

I have to tell you that this ultrasound was so much different than my 9 week ultrasound. My 9 week ultrasound was very cool because I got to see our baby for the first time but there really wasn't a lot of movement from our little one. At my 14 week appt. our baby DID NOT stop moving!! Our baby was all over the place and was doing little jumps and stretching so much! There were only a few times where we saw the baby completely still. I even got to see our little baby suck it's thumb for a little bit and it was so cute to see it's little nose and lips. Our baby even had it's legs crossed (they better be wide open when we find out the gender). I wish the ultrasound tech would have sent me home with a pic of the face with the little nose and lips because Steve would have loved to see that. All of the pictures she sent me home with had the baby's face facing the other way. Here are the pictures I got to take home of our baby!
Face turned away but still can see how big our baby is!

This is a picture of the baby's back facing towards us. During the ultrasound I could see the spine and the ribs of our little one! It was so cool!

Our little baby waving at us. It's so neat how detailed ultrasound pictures are. I can clearly see each finger! The head of our baby is on the right. The left hand is waving at us and the right hand us just above where the fingers are. 

I am so anxious to find out the gender of this little baby. After seeing it on an ultrasound for 30+ minutes I want to know what to call our baby (he/she). I will hopefully be finding out the gender at my 20 week appt. which is in a little over 5 weeks away!