Monday, January 27, 2014

Graduation from BYUI: Flashback from my last 3 1/2 Years

Well as many of you know I have graduated from college!! I have completed the requirements for my Bachelor's Degree in Social Work. Here is a little flash back from my 9 semesters at BYU-Idaho! It only took me 3 years 4 months to complete my degree and after all of that we are debt free (thanks to scholarships and financial aid)! NO Student Loans!!!

1st Semester: Fall 2010
My first semester at BYU-Idaho was definitely very memorable. I got to meet a lot of new people, I had awesome roommates, and outside of homework I got to do a lot of new things. I lived the dorms my first 2 semesters and was thrown right into being Relief Society President those semesters as well. It was hard, but very fun at the same time.

My 1st Semester Roommates: 
L to R: Rebekah (Oregon), Laken (Kentucky), Hanna (North Carolina), and Me (Wisconsin)

We went bridge jumping for the 1st time. It was very scary and the water was freezing!
The weather was beautiful!! 
L to R: Abigail, Lily, Hanna, Me
Flag Football Game
L to R: Mackenzie, Me, and Lily

Then the snow hit.....Rexburg winters are miserable let me tell you. After you get piled with all this snow the wind blows and makes it 10x's colder. 

2nd Semester: Winter 2011
Still in the dorms but new roommates. 
L to R: Hanna, Katelyn (Maine), Brooke (Arizona), Me

Although Hanna and I had been roommates before it was fun to throw 2 others in the mix. Winter Semester was very cold but I was only taking 7 credits because I was off-track. 

3rd Semester- Spring 2011
I couldn't find very many pictures of me and my roommates from this semester but this is the semester I met Steve. We finally moved out of the dorms and moved into Nauvoo House Apts. It was a lot nicer than the dorms and we didn't feel as if we were "locked in" all the time. 
I met Steve the day before the semester started and we started seeing each other every day until he asked me out 1 1/2 weeks later. We did so many things together this semester. 

Steve took me to this river outside of town and we just talked and got to know each other. 

Teaching me how to Long board (I biffed it really bad) 

Steve took me home to meet his parents Memorial Day Weekend. We had only been dating a little over a month. 
He also took me to Seattle!

We went with a big group of people to the Ice Caves. They were so cool!! 

We took a day trip to Jackson Hole, WY. This trip was a blast. 

Going back to that river before the semester ended. 

Steve and I had to part ways as the semester ended in July. I went back to Wisconsin where I worked for 7 weeks and he went back to Washington where he worked for his Dad. He was also off-track in the Fall Semester so we knew we wouldn't be seeing each other for a while. :( After the long 7 week break he came up to Rexburg to see me before the next semester started. He proposed to me the day he came :) 

Steve drove all day with his sister to come and propose to me. His sister Stephanie left a bouquet of flowers at the door and inside an envelope there was a note: 
I was freaking out because I knew he was proposing to me and I started running towards the temple which wasn't too far away from our apt. On my way to the temple I saw Steve in his car. He didn't know he was going to run into me on the way up and was going to keep driving but felt to bad so he pulled over. We hugged because we hadn't seen each other in the 7 weeks and he continued to drive me up to the temple. We talked around for a little bit making small talk. Right when I was in the middle of a thought he cut me off and asked if I would marry him. I of course said yes and cried when I saw the ring. I couldn't believe I was engaged and most of all to the best guy in the world. This picture was taken not too long after he proposed. I really wish we had pictures from our proposal, but I guess writing about it will help me to remember. I scheduled a photographer to take our engagement pictures even before he came because we both knew he was coming to propose. It wasn't a surprise that he was proposing because I knew it was going to happen, the surprise was the way he did it. We took engagement pictures the day after he proposed. 

After Steve proposed he made the trip back to Washington where he worked til our wedding in December. I planned our wedding during one of my busiest semesters and still managed to pull off a 3.0. We set our date at December 28, 2011. I did get to visit him that semester during Thanksgiving and then our wedding was a month later. I didn't get to see him on Christmas which was a bummer, but our wedding was only 3 days later. 

4th Semester: Fall 2011
Back tracking a little because all the engagement was during the Fall Semester (AKA the semester Steve was in Washington). I loved my roommates this semester. Rebekah and I pretty much had all new roommates and we got to do a lot of things together before I was to be married. 
Top Row: Cailan, Me, Kailey. Bottom: Janessa, Rebekah
MeKell not pictured
Rebekah's mom came into town to visit and took us to Yellowstone! We stayed at this timeshare place in West Yellowstone and had a lot of fun!

Us at Yellowstone again! 

Mekell's grandparents live in Driggs, Idaho and we were able to take their 4-wheelers out and go for a ride up in the hills. 
L to R: Cailan, Kailey, Janessa, Rebekah, Me, MeKell

Yellowstone trip again. We went to this Pizza Parlour in West Yellowstone! Very good pizza!!

I don't have many pictures from these last few semesters as I was married and don't remember when they were taken. 

Winter Semester 2012
This was my 1st Semester being married. Steve was busy doing an Internship this semester and I was off-track so I worked full-time and didn't take any credits! 

5th Semester: Spring Semester 2012
Steve was in the IBC (Integrated Business Core) Course this semester which took up a lot of his time. He and his classmates were split up into groups and had to run their own business and sell their product for the semester. I took a full load of 15 credits this semester. 

6th Semester: Fall Semester 2012
This was my first semester in the Social Work Program. I took a full load of 17 credits and got my feet wet into Social Work and what my major was all about. I was in the Social Work Society this semester as well and really enjoyed all of my classes. 

7th Semester: Winter 2013
This was my 2nd semester in the Social Work Program! I took more of my core classes and was again in the Social Work Society. 

8th Semester: Spring 2013
Steve and I were in Texas for this semester. I was doing my Internship at the Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County near Dallas, while Steve was selling Pest Control door-to-door. This was a very fun experience for us as we got to live in a new state, do something we've never done, and live somewhere warm! Though we ended up leaving in late-July, I still finished my requirements for my Internship as this semester ended in July. 

9th Semester: Fall 2013
This was my final semester at BYU-Idaho. I participated my final semester in the Social Work Society again and did 20 hours/week at my Internship at Jefferson County School District in Rigby. For work Steve and I both did early morning custodial from 4-7 am. I'm glad we only did this for one semester because it was very tiring. This is the semester that I found out I was pregnant and we visited Steve's family for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I also graduated this semester! 
Us with our family: 
L to R: Diana (Steve's mom), Steve, Me, Lonnie (Steve's dad), Bryson (Steve's half-brother), Brenda (Steve's Step-mom)
It was so nice of everyone to come and brave the cold in Rexburg!

Steve and I

Steve and I with Bryson 

Me and 2 of my Social Work Classmates (Megan and Ciara)

Steve and I and our friend Taylor! She graduated in Teaching.

Steve and I with our diploma "covers" in hand. I will get my diploma within the next month or so!

Well that is it! That was my college career at Brigham Young University-Idaho! I was so happy to have gone to school here and to have such good influences along the way. This school shaped me into a better person and I met so many people along the way. I don't really miss Rexburg because it is soooo freezing and it is a college town flooded with students, but I do miss our close friends from there that still go to school. We will probably visit sometime in March! 


  1. i love this! i might do something like this when i graduate! congratulations again!

    1. Thanks Jen for reading! It was fun to look back at all of my semesters!
