Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My 21st Birthday!!!

I am totally behind on my blog and I apologize!!
I'm finally 21 as of March 18th......And I don't feel any different :) My birthday this year was very good and I wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else but Steve. Steve woke up and made me breakfast which was very good. My birthday felt like a normal day because I still had classes and still had work....but after work we got to celebrate and go out to dinner! I chose Red Robin because you get a free burger the month of your birthday and why get anything else?? After dinner we went shopping and I picked myself out some new things: new curling iron, new black flats, a new purse, and a few other things. My in-laws spoiled me and gave me some money so I got a few more things :) My friends spoil me as well and I received soooo much sugar, some Martinelli's (since I don't drink), some cards, and lots of hugs!!!! Here are some pictures:

My birthday breakfast my husband made for me//Birthday Dinner at Red Robin//Present from my friend Erika//I got a lot of sweets on my birthday

I kinda wish I would have taken a few more pictures on my birthday but these are what I have of my day :) 

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