Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Happenings In Texas

I am such a slacker on keeping my blog up to date, but I have an excuse. This past semester I pulled off straight A's (literally a 4.0), worked 20 hours/week, and kept up with the duties a wife does (cook/clean). This was my best semester I have ever had and I have received SOO many blessings. Some of them include:
1. Landing an Internship with the Children's Advocacy Center of Denton County for the Spring (now).
2. Landing an Internship with Jefferson Elementary School for the Fall. 
3. Getting more hours at work on-campus
4. Being called as a nursery leader at church
5. Almost getting into numerous accidents but somehow miss by a hair
When Steve and I were on our way to Texas we hit some snow going over Teton Pass (near Jackson Hole, WY) and we had a hard time making it up the pass. As we were going down hill we hit a patch of ice and had literally no control of our car and thought we were going to crash into a guard rail literally feet in front of us. Out of no where, our car went in the other direction and we missed the guard rail by inches. It's times like that, that really make me grateful for our Savior and how he is always looking out for us. 
These are just a few of the blessings we have received lately and I am eternally grateful for them and the opportunity it is giving me!

We are now officially living in Coppell, Texas and loving it!! When we first moved here it was hot, humid, and sunny. After we came back from our vacation in Wisconsin it has been cold and somewhat rainy. It's not a big deal though because it's supposed to be 80 degrees this weekend!! Coppell has a population of about 39,000 which is a big difference from my hometown in Wisconsin and Rexburg, ID. So far we haven't done much exploring as we have been getting situated and ready to work, but someday! Steve started knocking doors today and made 1 sale!!! I'm so proud of him and so grateful he is so hard working and willing to get things done! I should be starting my internship this Friday if they get my background check results. I have been patiently waiting 2 weeks for my results and they still don't have them. I guess out-of-state background checks take longer which makes sense, but still!! So I technically don't have the Internship until they receive them, but it should be soon. I am going in tomorrow to meet my supervisor and those she works with and I will also be getting a tour! I can't wait for this Internship as it will give me so much opportunity!! Some of what I will be doing includes: Working alongside with CPS (Child Protective Services) and Law Enforcement dealing with Child Abuse Cases (Physical/Emotional/Sexual). 

I will be putting up pictures of our cute little apartment after it is ready, but for now I just wanted to give a little update. Have a great week!!

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