Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hello World

Wow it has been about a month since I have last posted something and figured it's time again to rewind and remember what has happened over the past month. Here are some highlights from our month since we have been here: 
- May 16th - We celebrated Steve's 25th birthday!!! Woohoo!!! My man is getting old....

We had a mini birthday party the day before his birthday party and a bunch of our work friends came over and celebrated!

- May 20th - Steve's Sister Stephanie left the MTC to Vina del Mar, Chile Mission (same mission as Steve's brother, Craig)
Other than that, just working!!

Here is what a typical day looks like for me: 
Depending on the day I either go to my Internship or work. MWF I go to my Internship and have to be there bright and early at 8:00. These past few weeks I have been trying to catch up on my hours at my Internship because they didn't have my background check cleared right away, this has required me to put in about 25-30 hours per week. I am happy to say my hours are where they need to be right now and I don't have to stress out so much anymore. I am literally never at home and when I am it is at 9:30/10 pm at night. 
My schedule while I was catching up on my Internship hours were
Monday: Internship 8-5 - Moxie 5:30-10:30
Tuesday: Internship Class 8:45-10:15 am - Moxie 10:30-5:30 - Moxie Dinner 6:30-8
Wednesday: Internship 8-5 - Moxie 5:30-10:30
Thursday: Moxie 8:30-5:30 (sometimes I would stay til 9 or so to catch up on my hours at work)
Friday: Internship: 8-5 - Moxie 5:30-10:30

Now that I'm caught up I actually have a normal schedule and it won't be too crazy! 
I will be at my Internship - Monday/Friday 8-1:30 and Wednesday 8-5 = 20 hours/week
I will be working at Moxie - Monday/Friday 2:00-10:30 pm - Tuesday 10:30-6:00 - Wednesday- OFF - Thursday 8:30-6:00 - Saturday 8:30-5:30 = 40 hours/week

So far I have learned so much at my Internship and you probably have been seeing an overload of Instagram and FB Posts about how much I love it. Here are somethings I do at my Internship: 
- I have gone on 2 CPS Ride-alongs so far - love this area of Social Work and am highly considering focusing on this area.
- Whenever a child is brought into our office they are sat down to do a live interview in which we record them and have for evidence at a later time. I have gotten to watch A LOT of Interviews on the other side of the glass (mirror type) with CPS and Law Enforcement. 
- I have been converting old VHS Tapes (2003 - Present) and converting them to DVD's. This is fun because you get to see how they interviewed the children back then and what they're doing now. 
- I was given the chance to go to a Human Smuggling/Human Trafficking Training - Very Interesting. 
- I get to interact with most of the kids by watching them while their parents are being filled in on everything 
- I do a lot of paperwork (Child Care, Staffing, etc.)

Enough about me: Here's some of what Steve's been up to
- He sells Pest Control for Moxie Pest Services - They treat us so well, seriously though, they spoil us. 
- He is on the doors each day from 10 am- 9 pm and in training every morning for 1/2 hour. 
- So far he has serviced 21 accounts, which is a little below average, but he is gradually catching on and these last two weeks he has made big improvements. Also it is his first year selling anything and it is a little normal to get a slow start. 
-He has the best/worst farmers tan, but seriously! Neck line, shirt line (little above elbow), short line (about the knee). All of the sellers have the same tan line and it's really funny when everyone decides to go swimming. 

Saturday night is the only time we can really have a date night because Steve doesn't get off work til 4 pm and I don't get off til 5:30, yes it kinda stinks! Usually on our date nights we go out to eat, shopping, etc. Yesterday we babysat 5 kids which was really fun! 
Top Left: Yes we did take a picture at a grocery store :) Top Right: The cat we got to babysit (loved her). Bottom Left: Our car hit 100,000 miles (big milestone) crazy that we have put on 25,000 miles in 1 1/2 years. Bottom Right: Super good barbecue place (Rudy's-best brisket)

Anyways that's a little about our lives right now! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

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