Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Macklemore & Vegas

A few weekends ago us and another couple drove down to St. George, Utah to go to a Macklemore concert. The concert was held at Dixie State College and was really a neat experience for only $20 a ticket. I am a fan of Macklemore, but not as crazy as my husband is. When we went down to the area where the concert was, we were about 1/2 way back and it was CROWDED. Once the music started there was lots of jumping, pushing, rain, etc. which created for a not so comfortable environment. It was fun but I didn't like the claustrophobia feel. I really couldn't see a lot because I'm short and there were tall people around me, but Steve fixed that problem by picking me up a few times. It turns out, Steve deleted all the footage and pictures he had taken on his GoPro on accident which stinks. I got a lot of good footage of the concert and am kinda sad we can't look back on it.

After the concert we drove to Vegas. It was only about 1 hr 45 min away which was nice. Right when we got in town we started walking around looking at stores, hotels, etc. We ended the night kinda late and woke up pretty early the next morning to get a head start on shopping, shops, etc. I've never really been to Vegas before and I don't really want to go again (stereotype, language, dress, drinking, etc.) Here are some pictures from our trip:

Paris//Eiffel Tower//Street Performer covered in glass//View of the city//Steve at M&M World//Kayla and I//BYU was in Vegas playing basketball for a tournament//pretty lights and balloon things in trees//Steve and Michael

Macklemore//Kayla and I//Steve and I//The Best Popcorn Shop EVER//Cool crystal ball//Steve and I//Bellagio//Garrett's Popcorn- THE BEST//Cool waterfall inside a hotel

Overall it was a very fun weekend and we definitely enjoyed the nice warm weather!!!

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