Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Week 34 Ultrasound/Doctor's Appt. Update

I can't believe we have less than 6 weeks until we get to meet our little boy. As I have been updating my blog through my whole pregnancy, it has been fun to look back at my progression with this little boy growing inside of me. It is still hard to believe we will be a little family of 3 next month and it won't just be Steven and I at home anymore. I know I have talked up my pregnancy like it has been 100% perfect, but let me tell you things have gotten harder since the end of the 2nd trimester. I know it will all be worth it in the end and am looking forward to being this little boys mother.  I am spending as much alone time with my husband that I can, but I am also looking forward to staring into my baby boys eyes and snuggling with him. I know my role in life is to be a mother and I can't wait to finally hold that title next month.

It has been a fast pregnancy and feels like just a month ago we found out we were expecting and were telling everyone we knew. Over the past 8 months we have experienced so much.....we received our first positive pregnancy test in November > we saw our baby on an ultrasound monitor for the first time in December > we found out the gender in Hawaii in February > we felt his first strong kick (not just flutters) in March > now we are just waiting for his arrival into this world in just a little over a month.

34 Week Update

Ultrasound Facts from today's 34 Week Appt: 
- Baby is head down, head facing back (perfect for birthing position)
- All limbs (arms/legs) are on the right side of my body (totally makes sense since I'm always feeling him on the right)
- Cervix is closed (not dilated)
- Baby is 46th percentile (average everything - not too big, not too small)
- Estimated weight right now is 5.3 lbs. (doctor said baby will gain .25 - .5 lbs/week til delivery so I'm looking at a mid 7 lb. baby - low 8 lb. baby at the most, based off baby's growth right now)
- Long legs

When the ultrasound tech was doing my ultrasound they said I was measuring at 35 weeks, but then they said everything was average so I'm a little confused. If he comes a week early, I'm fine with that, as long as he is healthy. 

I was supposed to get a complimentary 3D ultrasound today as well, but baby was sleeping with his fist up to his face (not a good shot for pictures). I will get one at 36 weeks! 
Here is the only good one they got from my 3D today....can't wait to see his facial features in 2 weeks!

34 Week Facts
How far along? 34 Weeks 1 day

Countdown: 41 days

Due Date: July 28th

Baby's weight/size: 5 lbs. 3 oz (estimate based off the ultrasound today)

Total weight gain: 19 lbs. 

Maternity clothes: Nothing but stretchy/loose fitting clothes 

Stretch marks: Noticed a tiny one on my left hip :( 

Sleep: Pretty good still, just tossing and turning a lot during the night. 

Best moment this week: Seeing baby Boyd on the ultrasound monitor today and Steve painting my toenails because I can no longer do them comfortably

Miss anything?  Fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothes and being able to sleep without changing sides at least 20x's a night.

Movement: Still always moving! He had the hiccups during church on Sunday and it was the weirdest feeling in my pelvic bone area. 

Food cravings: Banana Creme Pie (last night) and gummy bears

Labor Signs: Nothing yet. Still haven't had any recent Braxton Hicks Contractions. 

Belly button in or out: In, but pretty much level with my stomach

Wedding ring on or off: On....my fingers get swollen every now and then, but not enough to take my ring off. 

Looking forward to: Moving and setting up the baby room. Not working full-time in just 2 weeks, it'll be nice to put my feet up and get some rest before this baby comes. 

1 comment :

  1. Yay!! Glad everything is measuring and looking good! Hang in there, it will be here soon! :)
