Monday, February 17, 2014

SURPRISE: We're Having A.........

Today we found out the gender of our baby! We weren't going to find out til 20 weeks but we figured while we were here in Hawaii it would be fun to find out the same day as my sister-in-law since we are due on the same day. With their military discount we got a pretty good deal on a gender reveal ultrasound so we went for it. I for sure thought we were having a girl and Steve wanted a boy.

Steve was very excited to say the least!


We were totally blown away when they told us in the ultrasound. I was a little disappointed at first because I was so happy to be able to pick out bows and headbands for a girl and dress her all girly, but I am a little happy that we will have a boy to protect our future daughters. And lets face it boys are cheaper in the long run, but maybe a little more mischievous.

In my family my 2 sisters have had girls first and my 3 brothers have had boys first so now I have officially broken the trend.....

During our ultrasound let me just tell you...our baby boy was not so shy about showing off his parts. He was flashing them and spreading his legs for all to see haha

Look at that little nose and cute lips!!!

Overall we are very excited to be having a boy and we can't wait to start shopping for clothes and stuff for our little guy!!!

17 Week Update: 

How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain: 0 lbs. from pre-pregnancy weight. Finally gained back those 5 lbs. I lost. 
Maternity clothes? I haven't had to use anything maternity clothes yet. Jeans are getting a little more uncomfortable around the waist. 
Stretch marks? Nothing yet.
Sleep: Not as tired as I was in the 1st Trimester. 
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender of our little one!
Miss Anything? Boogie boarding and body surfing in the ocean. 
Movement: Flutters here and there but no strong movement yet. 
Food cravings: Anything sweet still. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: The sound of fast food. 
Gender: BOY!!!
Symptoms: Peeing 1-2 times in the middle of the night and occasional lower back pain. 
Belly Button in or out? In
Looking forward to: Buying clothes for our little guy! 


  1. Congratulations Kelly!! Boys are SO FUN!!! We're really happy for you two. You look great too! :)

  2. Congratulations! We are so excited for you! I love your black 'n white picture to keep it a secret until you scroll down further. Love you!

  3. I'm excited for you guys! You'll have fun with a boy...just have a girl next!
